
Application theme android studio
Application theme android studio

However, we usually want to set the same color for both navigation and status bars. Thus, we're not setting them here in the example above. The template project from Android Studio doesn't set navigation bar color. Val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()ĭarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), In ui\Theme\Theme.kt, add this to set purple_700 color which is also the primaryVariant color.Implementation ":accompanist-systemuicontroller:0.24.1-alpha" Add :accompanist-systemuicontroller library:.To do that, we need to use the System UI Controller from Accompanist. Since this has been removed, we need to implement this in Jetpack Compose. If you look at the original themes.xml, it set the status bar color there. Well, the app works, but the default purple color in the status bar is gone. I did try to not adding this but the ComponentActivity() creates the top action bar by default which I have no idea to get rid of it using Jetpack Compose. See this Add Top App Bar Example in this Simple Laz圜olumn App. The top action bar can be created using Scaffold composable function. The creates an app without the top action bar. Replace with in which is the parent style in your themes.xml.

application theme android studio

You need to modify the AndroidManifest.xml Removing themes.xml and colors.xml can cause compilation error due to it is still being referenced from AndroidManifest.xml. Personally, I would remove them to avoid duplication or confusion.

application theme android studio

However, I have seen a lot of code out there still have these themes.xml and colors.xml defined. For pure Jetpack Compose app, technically we don't need the themes.xml and colors.xml anymore, which are meant for Android View system.

Application theme android studio